The networks are really important, as purely human and social beings we have contact with others, for me better than through networks. Knowledge networks, social networks. The entire network is well defined, because knowledge and practice are not sitting still, is to share, seize and define what to do by and for others. The experiences of others worth knowing them and thus extract the most benefit because if they are good for imitate and if not seem appropriate not to repeat them. So all strings are good for study, working with our colleagues, our bosses, in order for these networks are, we need others to develop as teachers and above all as human beings. In the Seine there networks well raised awareness by area to play, the network to which the area where I work is the network of customer service in which we find programs such as accounting, finance, business, human talent, bank belongs, administrative and documentary. The network is in a central Bogota, where there is a person named manager and leader we belong where we have training centers in those areas. They organize and design the curricula of training programs, based on opinions of both employers, the productive sector, the same facilities and instructors. I think it is important to take into account each of the sectors that contribute to and benefit from the formation of our trainees of the network are. It is not who you are but whom you know.
Well done Sandra, good reflections. This is a good basis for next week's discussions!