miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2015



She's a great woman, great professional and a great companion. Skills oriented customer service and event. It is Social Communicator Master of Linguistics.

TRAINING PROGRAM: Administrative Management Technologist.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Draft documents using the rules of grammar: semantic, Morphology and syntax; fingering techniques, the Colombian technical rules for the Preparation and Presentation Commercial documents and quality management. 
ACTIVITY (IES) LEARNING: Cognitive: Understand the rules of drafting documents such as: Grammar (semantics, morphology and syntax) ,; Colombian existing techniques for the preparation and submission of commercial documents and quality Management. Procedural: I write different types of written and documentary digitally using the GTC 185 standard. Evaluative: Recognizing the importance of being neat and elegant presentation of your documents. 
MY ASSESSMENT: Its well-designed class has adequately described steps in the tutorial. There interaction and participation by learners. The activities described in the guide that has previously been delivered. The class is conducted actively and it shows that learners bring concerns to their daily lives. I liked the class, in spite of being a hard, monotonous and hated subject, learners show interest.

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