martes, 8 de septiembre de 2015



There is not planning to monitor the productive stage of apprentices

Steps to unify track production center stage, as to not have a procedure to this end, we do it all instructors differently. Alternatives to release the development stage of production and requirements. Defining and publicize to know different stages of format planning, monitoring and evaluation productive stage.

Groups Coordinators
Leading areas
Academic coordinatores
Training coordinator



lunes, 7 de septiembre de 2015


The networks are really important, as purely human and social beings we have contact with others, for me better than through networks. Knowledge networks, social networks. The entire network is well defined, because knowledge and practice are not sitting still, is to share, seize and define what to do by and for others. The experiences of others worth knowing them and thus extract the most benefit because if they are good for imitate and if not seem appropriate not to repeat them. So all strings are good for study, working with our colleagues, our bosses, in order for these networks are, we need others to develop as teachers and above all as human beings. In the Seine there networks well raised awareness by area to play, the network to which the area where I work is the network of customer service in which we find programs such as accounting, finance, business, human talent, bank belongs, administrative and documentary. The network is in a central Bogota, where there is a person named manager and leader we belong where we have training centers in those areas. They organize and design the curricula of training programs, based on opinions of both employers, the productive sector, the same facilities and instructors. I think it is important to take into account each of the sectors that contribute to and benefit from the formation of our trainees of the network are.  It is not who you are but whom you know.

jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2015


This method which I used is that I have christened "classified ad", in which each apprentice is offered, reporting some features like qualities, family, likes, among others, with the purpose that the teammates guess who it is. I chose this break-ice bearing in mind when I go to the group already have time to share and had been known.

For the tree, is located in the leaves post-it green as positive and in the trunk (the pink) negativity follow a regulation.

The video is about the regulation of apprentice, the production stage is part of it, so the importance of doing an introduction of the rules in general.

Unfortunately the shots were thus turning I all the time in the classroom, but also I approach each one in order to answer questions and help argue the responses.

The first activity (the classified ad), is one hour, including writing and reading, guessing who is the author

The evaluation of the activity is important all the time, so it should be not only verbal but also written feedback at any time.

The activity of the post-it like it is a new activity for them. Work something different and novel makes to pay more attention at the required times.

It be only a male student already is common in my area because as it is secretarial and administrative assistance are profiles nearly than female, and am already really used (and I'm sincere I like as well)

Este método que yo usé es el que yo he bautizado “aviso clasificado”, en el cual cada aprendiz se ofrece, informando algunas características como cualidades, familia, gustos, entre otros, con el fin de que los compañeros adivinen de quién se trata.  Este rompe-hielo lo escogí teniendo en cuenta que cuando yo voy al grupo ya tienen tiempo de haber compartido y haberse conocido.

Para el árbol, es ubicar en las hojas post-it las verdes lo positivo y en el tronco (las rosadas) lo negativo de seguir un reglamento.

El video es acerca del reglamento del aprendiz, pues la etapa productiva hace parte de él, por eso la importancia de hacer una introducción de las normas en general.

Lamentablemente las tomas quedaron así girando yo todo el tiempo en el salón de clase, pero también me acerco a cada uno con el fin de atender dudas y ayudar argumentar las respuestas.

La primera actividad (el aviso clasificado), es de una hora, incluyendo la escritura y la lectura, adivinando quién es el autor

La evaluación de la actividad es importante todo el tiempo, así que en cualquier momento hay que hacer retroalimentación no sólo verbal sino también escrita.

La actividad del post-it les gustó pues es una actividad nueva para ellos.  El trabajar algo diferente y novedosa hace que presten más atención en los momentos requeridos.

El estar sólo un estudiante masculino ya es común en mi área pues como es de Secretariado y asistencia Administrativa son perfiles casi que femeninos, y realmente ya estoy acostumbrada ( y te soy sincera me gusta así)


2030 according to the readings, we as teachers, guides, mentors, teachers, parents have a very important key to changing the world situation and role. The task is not only in the classroom but also outside as part of a society. To my thinking society it requires drastic changes. Where everything is relative and were not interested in the general welfare but particularly the staff.
We realize so many dramatic and worrying situations that happen in our country, in our region, where economic interests banish thousands of Colombians from where they once had laid their hands. Colombia is seeking peace, a peace that although yearn every day is further away. For the protagonists have not found a way to show the world their desire and decision to lay down arms. Always find an excuse. One excuse as they have for us not to change our bad habits and bad behavior.
Where no glimpse the radical change that we have every day, in terms of technology, because by acquiring an electronic device, a car, a television, a phone, a PC, and the next day are being replaced by newer models. We are not prepared for so many climate changes, because at the time the rain now remain with summer clothes are used. Where families are becoming smaller and we have the biggest house, where the economy will never be closed, but the increasingly open and global contrast, where the digital era is moving our physical contact, each Again less visual and kinesthetic. So we must prepare. Prepare for shortages of non-renewable resources, gas, oil, water. By God, will humanity be without these vital resources.
So our role we should not try to change the world because that's impossible, but if our environment in our workplace in our training environment by providing a bit to that change happens not only on us but also on those 30 apprentices, good in 15, 5 or at least that with our support and interest we allow even a single apprentice change your daily war for a better world for him.



Business Administrator, archival specialist, collaborator and great heart. Professional fulfills its duty and excellent human relations.

COMPETENCE: Produce documents originating from administrative functions, following the technical standard and legislation.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Compose organizational documents considering the matter, the type, the functions of the administrative unit; applying the rules of grammar, syntax and semantics, Colombian technical rules for the preparation and presentation standards and quality management.
ACTIVITY (IES) LEARNING: Cognitive Development Area: Identify concepts of grammar, sentence, paragraph, semantics, documents, document types, current Colombian Technical Standards for the preparation and presentation of organizational documents.
Procedural Development Area: Prepare documents using different grammatical rules, syntax, semantics and drafting as current regulations.
Attitudinal valuation-area development: Recognizing the importance of generating documents
The activity carried out by the fur really dynamic instructor, are issues that apprentices will work in their productive years as management tools are office and its importance in the development and digitization of documents. This group is the Training Program: Document Management Technologist.



Systems Engineer, Specializing in Management of Information Technology Projects. Aware of the Sena for more than 10 years. Excellent teacher and counselor of his apprentices, with great human qualities and sense of belonging to the most beloved institution of Colombian people.

COMPETENCE: Apply information technology taking into account the needs of the administrative unit.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Design and manage databases according to the information needs of the administrative unit
ACTIVITY (IES) LEARNING: Knowing the SQL language syntax necessary to develop different transactions to the database

The work with different colleagues is a very important very good very risky endeavour, yet. many of us do not like that we evaluated and checked for us. but the group of colleagues with whom I have worked has been very wonderful and  exemplary. For this occasion, the class session was very technical in your area then taught how to engineer a database. not an easy issue, especially that there is diversity in learners, as not all handled well the part of technologies, but with the help and support of the instructor saw everything very convenient and easy. He used to teach proper technique.

miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2015



Electronic Engineer, Electronic Instrumentation Specialist. Master Student in Telecommunications UNAL.  Excellent person, professional and human. Cooperative and enthusiastic instructor and co-worker.

COMPETENCE: Apply information technology taking into account the needs of the administrative unit.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Keep in using technological resources office in accordance with the policies of the organization, management standards of quality, safety and occupational health existing technology.
Cognitive: Describe technological resources from the relevant technical terminology.
It was a class with technical terms for equipment maintenance and seemed well managed, according to the tutorial, it is well structured and in time to make an assessment of teaching and learning to the learners like and encouraged, because he chose a good technique, very collaborative.
I like these sessions where the trainees are motivated. Worth seeing their faces with excitement to learn new things



She's a great woman, great professional and a great companion. Skills oriented customer service and event. It is Social Communicator Master of Linguistics.

TRAINING PROGRAM: Administrative Management Technologist.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Draft documents using the rules of grammar: semantic, Morphology and syntax; fingering techniques, the Colombian technical rules for the Preparation and Presentation Commercial documents and quality management. 
ACTIVITY (IES) LEARNING: Cognitive: Understand the rules of drafting documents such as: Grammar (semantics, morphology and syntax) ,; Colombian existing techniques for the preparation and submission of commercial documents and quality Management. Procedural: I write different types of written and documentary digitally using the GTC 185 standard. Evaluative: Recognizing the importance of being neat and elegant presentation of your documents. 
MY ASSESSMENT: Its well-designed class has adequately described steps in the tutorial. There interaction and participation by learners. The activities described in the guide that has previously been delivered. The class is conducted actively and it shows that learners bring concerns to their daily lives. I liked the class, in spite of being a hard, monotonous and hated subject, learners show interest.


In fact, the teamwork is very difficult when we do not have much contant with the rest of the group. It was difficult to agree to meet and decide the methods that we use for our class with our partners. But finally as good professionals agree a bit of everything, and maybe that betrayed us for wanting to do and show punished us much time. Everything in life is education and it was a nice experience for all teachers feel the teachers. As for the socialization of other groups it was very gratifying to know of the excellent knowledge and abilities of the companions and their methodologies as it shows that the Sena have the best. The sessions were very productive, really enriching.