martes, 2 de diciembre de 2014



Pre Assignment and Orientation to Teaching Practice Development Project:


4 comentarios:

  1. Hello, Sandra, and thank you for the burst of post! I symphatize with you: even though my children a all grown-ups and don't live at home any more, and I thus only have to take care of myself + the husband, I sometimes feel all the time in the world would not be enough to catch up with all obligations. Even when reading and commenting is inspiring, sometimes one has to leave it till later. What I admire in you is that when you finally find a spare moment, you catch up, and perform all your tasks conciencously!

    1. Thanks for your comments Irmelli. I´m so ashamed for being so late with my assigments, but, I wanna be sincere, i didn´t know how to maka a blogger. But how all things, the problem is at the begining. Thank you for patience.

    2. No need to be ashamed! Once you get the hang of it, updating the blog becomes technically easy. Did you get help from somebody, or did you just figure it out by trial and error (did my handout help at all?)

      Good night from Finland!

    3. It was easy by trial and error and with your help. Thank for all. But I can´t see two pages that I created. Later I wil try. Good night in Finland. Happy rest.
